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An Extraordinary New Year

January 2023

President and CEO, Maggie Goldberg is energized for 2023 with a new era of research

Each new year brings an irresistible sense of possibility. What unexpected joys will we discover? Which long sought gains will finally arrive?

Thinking about what lies ahead in 2023, I’m excited and energized for both the Christopher & Dana Reeve Foundation and the community members we serve.

Our decades-long quest to transform spinal cord injury research is yielding results as 21st century technology and scientific advances converge. Labs around the world are now pursuing an array of therapies targeting acute and chronic paralysis: the notion that injuries are treatable—that blood pressure and cardiovascular function might be regulated by epidural stimulation, that new pathways could bridge scar tissue–is no longer simply the dream of distressed families.

Collaboration will be critical for this new era of research— and the Reeve Foundation is ready.

In 2023, you’ll find us connecting scientists and academics with pharmaceutical companies and device developers, hosting symposiums that generate innovative partnerships and advance on-the-cusp breakthroughs. We’ll foster widespread engagement across the field with an open data platform designed to increase shared resources and knowledge and more efficiently translate treatments. And, working with the newly launched Reeve Foundation Scientific Advisory Board, we’ll accelerate our investments in research and development opportunities that yield the greatest impact for community members.

As ever, our mission remains rooted in both care and cure. In 2022, the Reeve Foundation broke records in community engagement and outreach, with 145 Team Reeve athletes participating in elite marathons and more than 10,000 advocates joining efforts to spotlight access and policy issues at the legislative level. Our groundbreaking National Paralysis Resource Center continued its life-changing work helping families adapt to injuries, while also launching a new Quality of Life Grants Program to reach remote and under-resourced communities. In the coming year, we will strengthen our existing support and work tirelessly to identify the unmet needs of our community,

The potential for progress at this moment is extraordinary. The Reeve Foundation is mapping a new vision for a new era, one in which we serve as a vital hub for spinal cord injury research in much the same way that we do for families. How can you help? Join us. Become an advocate who educates lawmakers. Host an event to help spotlight Reeve’s work or open a door for us to have a conversation with a friend or colleague about our mission and impact. Organize fundraisers in your community to cheer on Team Reeve. You don’t have to run a marathon for us (though we’d love it if you did) but support those who do. Or simply follow us and share our work with your network on social media. The more we work together, the more we’ll have to celebrate with each new year.